Martha Grant

[June 2, 2023]
3:00 pm
Theme: Workshop: Mobilizing to Win: Action Network
[June 3, 2023]
10:00 am
Theme: Building Deep Power: Organizing with Action Builder

Workshop info and bio

Mobilizing to Win: Action Network
Room: Ballroom C

In this deep dive training Martha will walk you through the functionality of Action Network that lets you quickly scale and win campaigns. Covering the basics of email, mass text, forms and petitions, we will also dive into more advanced topics including data architecture, reporting and automating emails and text messages with ladders.

Building Deep Power: Organizing with Action Builder
Room: Ballroom C

Are you struggling to track what conversations people are having, who your biggest supporters are and if you’re on track to win a new union or a new contract? This session will cover the organizing tool Action Builder and how it works alongside Action Network to scale your campaigns and help you win bigger, faster.

Martha Grant is the Director of Product Strategy at Action Network, and a big believer in their cooperative development and co-ownership model of building technology. Part mediator, part translator and part visionary, she knows we can use human-centered tech to win big and win fast. Martha has spent her career working for labor, political campaigns and nonprofits.