What is the CALM conference?

Each year, CALM brings together union communications folks – professionals, volunteers, voluntolds, presidents, secretaries – anyone who does communications for their union. At a CALM conference, delegates will participate in skills-building workshops and networking opportunities.


What is the Advanced Day?

For delegates who want a little extra, Advanced Day is an advance conference event where we drill down into one issue for the entire day. There is only one session and space is limited.

I’m booking travel. When do I need to be there?

We will provide more info as we firm up plans for the 2025 conference.


Is the CALM conference livestreamed?

No. But, all slide decks will be made available on calm.ca after the conference is over. However, the AGM will be live-streamed so that all CALM members can participate. Watch your emails for details about how to register for that.


Talk to me about food.

We would love to. Check back soon.


Is this conference worth attending?



Will I be able to get a list of other conference attendees so that I can stay in touch?

Yes, this year we will be working hard to make sure that you have everything you need to maintain the connections that you make at the main conference.


How do I register?

We will share a registration page once it is ready.


I can’t make it any more. What are my options?

Ideally, you can pass your convention pass to someone else. If you do this, please let us know if that person has any accommodation or dietary needs that are different from your own. You can switch delegates right until the last minute. If you need to cancel, we will offer a full refund up until our food order is placed (usually one week before the conference). After that, we will bill you for costs related to your conference pass (food, mostly).


Is there a hotel room block?

Yes. Again, will we share more info as the time approaches.


What should I bring?

Please be sure to bring swag and newsletters/magazines. Our swag exchange is a highlight of all of CALM’s conferences. If you would like to ship your swag in advance so you don’t need to carry it, please be in touch with either Nora (editor@calm.ca) or Teuila (teuila@calm.ca) to make arrangements.


I can’t afford this and that sucks.

Yes, that does suck. CALM has been increasing the number of miniconferences we offer to broaden out the participation in our events. Because it’s expensive to attend national events, we organize one-day miniconferences anywhere that we can ensure 20 people or more would attend.

If you want to help us bring a miniconference to your town, all you need to do is contact CALM staff and ask. If you have access to two rooms, your union will get free access to the miniconference for hosting.


Each year I sit through the Awards Banquet being mad that I didn’t submit anything. How can I avoid self-loathing?

You just missed your chance! But don’t worry: our hosts present the annual award winners with enough speed that no one should find themselves bored.