Anna Jover

CALM Coordinator
Canadian Association of Labour Media

[June 5-7, 2025]
Theme: Conference Organizer


Born in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) in 1984, Anna Jover Royo, began her career as a journalist working as a reporter for the public radio and television network, Televisió de Catalunya. Her first job was filming and editing videos for a daily children’s news bulletin informing kids about breaking news happening all over the world. She then joined the provincial evening newsroom as a reporter and videographer. In addition to her work in television she was sent on foreign reporting assignments by the radio network to locations including Singapore, Brunei and several European cities.

In September 2010 she moved to Toronto. Initially she free-lanced as a photojournalist and reporter for El Correo Canadiense, worked as a translator for the Canadian Opera Company and as the Outreach Coordinator and Administrator of the Common Thread, a social justice chorus.

In August 2012 she became the first full-time in-house videographer of the Ontario Public Employees Union (OPSEU). She produces, shoots and edits videos supporting OPSEU’s political education and organizing campaigns. She teamed up with former CBC foreign correspondent Bill Gillespie to produce an acclaimed documentary on former Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak’s plan to import American style anti-union legislation (so-called Right to Work laws) to Canada. The documentary was lauded by several Ontario Labour leaders as a contributing factor in Hudak’s decision to announce he decided to drop the Right to Work plank from his policy platform.