Felipe Noriega

SEIU Healthcare

[June 7, 2024]
11:00 AM
Theme: Clinic: Photography
[June 7, 2024]
1:30 PM
Theme: Visual Voices: Empowering Activism Through Storytelling!

Workshop info and bio

Visual Voices: Empowering Activism Through Storytelling!
Room: Salon C

Unleash the power of photography in activism at our Visual Voices workshop, and get ready for an exciting hands-on workshop that will teach you all about essential photography skills to use photography as a tool for social change. You will learn how to capture impactful images that tell compelling stories and how to use documentary photography to drive social change.
Don’t miss this opportunity to harness the visual power of photography and make a difference in the world. Let your visual voice be heard – together, we can create meaningful change!

Felipe Noriega, a Colombian-born, Canadian-based documentary photographer since 2004, captures diverse cultures through powerful images. He has Professional Photography and Graphic Design degrees and is internationally recognized for his storytelling skills. As a Contract Full-time Photographer at SEIU Healthcare in Toronto since 2017, Felipe’s work enriches the organization’s campaigns with authenticity and impact.