Eva Faulds


[June 8, 2024]
3:30 PM
Theme: How unions can help support the families of MMIWG seeking justice

Workshop info and bio

How unions can help support the families of MMIWG seeking justice
Room: Salon B

In March 2015, Eva’s sister, Misty went missing. Since that time, Eva has spoken out about the police system that did little to help find Misty, and the systems that have prevented her from taking a more active role in the MMIWG inquiry. Eva will speak about Misty’s story, her experiences, and how labour can be allies and offer true support to the families of MMIWG. 

Eva Faulds is a member of Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, Alberta.  Eva is an activist, community leader, wife and mother. She is dedicated to lifelong education, and passionate about being a positive example for her children, and also for youth in her community.